Marathon County Public Library Wausau
300 N. First Ave., Wausau
6:30 p.m. Free; donations appreciated
No registration required
A look at Cuba of the past and present, with Cuba-born Dr. Fernando Riveron and world traveler Rick Lohr
Citizen Action of Wisconsin has joined with Wisconsin 9 to 5 to draw attention to the need for family leave legislation. This is a round table discussion of the Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Insurance to be presented in the next legislation session. 10:30 AM (Location to be determined) Phone: 715-581-4147
Tuesday, October 4—Drinking Liberally at Malarkey’s 408 N. Third St. Wausau, 5:30-7:00 PM
Drinking Liberally is a progressive social group where you can talk politics, hang out and relax.
Tuesday, October 4—Vice President Debate, 8:00 PM
Thursday, October 6—Women for Women, Marathon County Democratic Office, 833 S. Third Ave., Wausau. 6:00 PM. Meet the Democratic candidates and learn about the new voter laws.
Saturday, October 8—STOP THE PENSION THEFT
Wausau Labor Temple, 318 South Third Avenue, Wausau
10 a.m.
Sponsored by Minocqua/Wausau Committee to Protect Pensions
We invite all active workers, retirees, spouses, and all persons concerned about wage theft from retirees.
For more information: http://mycspensionhandsoff.com
Contact Jim Otto ottojames2015@gmail.com
Saturday, October 8—My 100 Year-old Life
Woodson History Center
410 McIndoe St., Wausau
2 p.m.
Website: www.marathoncountyhistory.org
Dorothy Swazee, a long-time Central Wisconsin resident and former teacher, will share her observations and stories about her life-time experiences. Imagine the changes, innovations and discoveries she’s seen in 100 years.
Sunday, October 9—2nd Presidential debate, 8:00 PM
Thursday, October 13—AAUW presents Chris Clark Epstein. “Civic Engagement in an Age of Political Cynicism” 5/5:30 PM, UWMC Terrace Room. Stewart Ave., Wausau
Free and open to the public.
Thursday, October 27—Wausau United to Amend presents the Documentary, “Killing Us Softly” by Jeanne Kilbourne.
How does the media define our society, how does it portray women and men’s roles, and how does it affect our political views.
Universalist Unitarian Church, 504 Grant St., Wausau. 6:30-7:30 PM (Free and open to the public).