Monday, August 21 will be Launch of Green Jobs in Wausau. Join Citizen Action’s North Central Organizing Cooperative for the launch of this exciting proactive campaign to directly address climate change, create green jobs, and protect our environment.

Between Trump leaving the Paris Climate Accord, Walker’s proposed Foxconn deal that damages the environment, it is clear that we need to be fighting for a future that protects the environment, that expands opportunity through green family-supporting jobs right here in Central WI and recognizes that Climate Change is real and a huge threat.

Members of the North Central Organizing Co-op are now proudly launching a 60 day drive to “kickstart” this vision. To spread this idea across Central Wisconsin and to change the climate/environmental debate permanently by showing that good family supporting jobs can be created right here through energy efficiencies, retrofitting and clean energy business and residential programs. Join Us!

WHAT: Launch of Green Jobs, Green Future Campaign in North Central WI

WHERE: Wausau Labor Temple 320 S 3rd Ave Wausau, WI 54401

WHEN: Monday August 21, 2017 at 6pm – 8pm

RSVP: Click here to learn more or to RSVP

Join North Central Organizing Co-op leaders, members, allies as well as Citizen Action of Wisconsin Executive Director Dr. Robert Kraig for this exciting launch of an important project.