NAOMI Action Day

Join with hundreds of people from WISDOM affiliates around the state whose values impel them to advocate for a more just and equitable Wisconsin on Thursday, April 27. The day will begin with an inspiring and informative session at the Masonic Center.  After a boxed lunch, we will proceed to the Capitol for a rally followed by visits with our state senators and representatives.

Will provide a bus for the event, leaving from Mt. Sinai Congregation, loading at 6:15 am leaving at 6:30 am, making a stop at the park/ride in Kronenwetter and in the parking lot behind the Burger King in Plover. We will leave Madison at 3:30 pm.

You need to register with Ron at with your email, cell phone number (for any last minute changes) and the name of your senator and representative.

We will be meeting with our state senator at 1:00 pm and our representative at 2:00. The four issues that WISDOM is prioritizing are (1) Treatment alternatives and diversion (2) Lead abatement (3) Driver’s cards (4) Medicaid expansion. Participants are encouraged to bring up other issues that they are passionate about!

Ron Alexander, 715-573-4147