Many people across our country are organizing to hold on to our democracy and to rebuild our country. Here are some examples.
Paula Lugar of Wisconsin writes:
“In 2011, I retired from 22 years of working in special education for a metropolitan Minnesota school district, ending my 37 year career as an occupational therapist employed to work with kids and families. I am taking a year to decide what comes next in my life after the August, 2016, death of my husband of 40 years. My exploration is informed by the core ethics of Permaculture: Care of People, Care of Earth and Share the Surplus.
The focus of my actions varies from day to day with a few central themes. Building community is critical to our future. Finding our common ground is essential to ending the social gridlock we have faced for more than 8 years. I have grave concerns about the future of the United States.
We are no longer a republic with a government that represents the people. I live each day to lend my energy to grass roots movements that will assure the safety of all people I help people stay connected in their communities. Each day I appreciate that the earth is our home and the source of our life. Let us work together to redistribute the wealth for the good of the nation.”
Katy Harle of Iowa writes:
My husband and I have joined a group in Davenport called One Human Family QCA (Quad-Cities Alliance). Rabbi Henry Karp started the group. Our purpose is “to welcome and to protect the life, dignity and human rights of all people in all places in our community.”
Our group heard reports from the Southern Poverty Law Center of Montgomery, Alabama, of increased bullying and an atmosphere of fear across the nation. Bill Tubbs, publisher of the North Scott Press in Eldridge, Iowa, asked that the group members “reach out across ideological lines.” He urged the group to speak up if they hear something offensive or hurtful in private settings.
The first goal of our group is to make a “resource list” of already existing groups that deal with the issues we are concerned about. These include the Quad-Cities Alliance for Immigrants and Refugees as well as the anti-bullying program of the Davenport Community School District.
Our second goal is to document incidents of bigotry. Bishop Karp says “we have to know what’s happening in the community.”
Other goals include school safety, support for immigrants/refugees and community education.
Fifty people have joined our group and our list of members keeps growing. To be put on the group’s email list, contact Rabbi Henry Karp at