Local people reduce their carbon footprint
On April 30th Clean Green Action hosted a Climate Change Forum at the Fine Arts Center in McMillan Memorial Library. Professor Emeritus Alan Haney reported from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
“The IPCC was established in 1988 by the United Nations Environmental Program in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization to provide a sound scientific interpretation of the vast amount of information on climate change,” explained Haney. “IPCC enlisted the cooperation of nearly 1000 scientists from countries all over the world, including meteorologists, climatologists, statisticians, computer modelers, and others.”
Dan Dieterich, Wisconsin Co-Coordinator of Citizens Climate Lobby told how to get Congress to take action to address climate change. “Most Americans today accept that our climate is changing, and they want national action to deal with climate change,” said Dieterich, adding, “We can and should take climate action as individuals, but the climate problem is so large that it also requires national and international actions as well.”
Nancy Turyk, Community Development Educator with UW-Extension Wood County, talked about what is being done at the local level. “Nearly everyone can do something to reduce their carbon footprint,” says Turyk. “The good news is there are many options. Your greatest success will come from working at this incrementally and choosing what is right for you.”
Turyk led a community conversation following the presentations.
Visit www3.epa.gov/carbon-footprint-calculator/ to measure your impact and find helpful tips for reducing your carbon footprint.