JERRY APPS speaks about Civilian Conservation Corps
Well-known author Jerry Apps is launching his latest book, “The Civilian Conservation Corps in Wisconsin,” at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 7,
at the Woodson History Center, 410 McIndoe St., Wausau.
He will sign books and talk about what he learned while writing it. Please note the time, 1 p.m., which is different from other History Speaks presentations
The Civilian Conservation Corps was a popular New Deal relief program from 1933 to 1942. The program hired young men to live in rustic camps while they planted trees, cut trails, and worked to reverse the effects of soil erosion.
The book is the first comprehensive history of the CCC in Wisconsin. It tells the stories of the CCC boys, who found purpose in their labor while preserving Wisconsin’s natural beauty at more than 125 CCC camps scattered across the state from the Northwoods to the Driftless Area.
Jerry Apps has written more than 35 books about rural history and environmental issues. He is a former county extension agent and professor for the University of Wisconsin College of Agricultural and life Sciences. His presentation is part of the History Speaks series at the Marathon County Historical Society.
There is no admission fee; however, donations are appreciated. Books will be available for purchase. Advance registration is not required.
The Historical Society is grateful to Janke Book Store and to Compass Properties for their sponsorship of the History Speaks series.