Wisconsin’s Fish Are in Hot Water
According to the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts our state has warmed by three degrees Fahrenheit since 1950, and as a result our waters are warming up too. From our ponds and lakes to our winding rivers and cold, clear, trout streams these warmer temperatures spell trouble for some of our favorite fish. To learn more about these impacts our local Citizen’s Climate Lobby brings retired Senior Fisheries Biologist, Frank Pratt, to town for a discussion of his 45 years worth of research in Northern Wisconsin.
If you love fishing you will want to hear what Frank has to say about the changes taking place all over Wisconsin already, and where we are heading in the not too distant future. We will also learn what we can do to help right now, today.
Please join us at The Landing in the Woodson YMCA in downtown Wausau at 6PM on October 18. The address is 707 North 3rd Street.
This date also marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Clean Water Act.
By 1972 our country’s waterways had become so polluted by sewage, industrial chemicals and oil that some rivers actually caught fire and burned. President Johnson called the Potomac River in Washington D.C. “ a disgrace”, it smelled so foul that people avoided its shores. Repelled by what had happened to our country’s waters Americans demanded government action.