Register today for Wisconsin’s public education event of the year.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Appleton North High School, 5000 N Ballard Rd, Appleton, WI 54913

Do you believe every child deserves to attend an equally excellent public school? Are you worried we aren’t able to keep that promise to our children? Do you worry about inequities in our schools? Do you want to connect with others who are part of the growing movement to invest in the success of all our students?

Then please JOIN US at Appleton North High School on August 1, 2018, for our fourth annual ALL-STATE CONVENING of Wisconsin PUBLIC EDUCATION ADVOCATES and SUPPORTERS!

WHAT: A full day of motivating presentations, action-focused strategy sessions, and informational breakouts led by Wisconsin public education advocates and experts. Our fourth annual Summer Summit includes all of the following and more:

  • Keynote speaker, Jitu Brown of Journey for Justice
  • A special welcome from Dr. Tony Evers, Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Wisconsin Public Education Network’s annual report
  • A special plenary session with members of the Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding featuring co-chair Rep. Joel Kitchens, and commission members Dr. Julie Underwood and others!
  • Breakout sessions on school funding, local level organizing, issues facing our students and schools, current legislative issues, and much more!
  • Lunch, light breakfast/coffee, and afternoon refreshments are included
  • An optional dinner with special guest speaker Matt Rothschild of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign follows for those who wish to continue the conversation and connect with other supporters of public schools.

The theme of this year’s summit is VOTE PUBLIC – an invitation to all supporters of public schools to make public education a focus of all elections – local, state and national. What does local control really mean to local schools?

What is the role of the public school in our democracy? How does policy impact our students? How do we know where candidates stand on education issues? How do we hold our elected officials accountable once they’re elected? How can we do all of this as nonpartisan work – especially in a big election year?

Our speakers and sessions will address this theme from many angles, with a focus on equity, action, and doing what’s best for our children and our communities. Our sessions are led by state and national education experts, local level organizers, and leaders in education advocacy.

WHO: All parents, students, educators, administrators, school board members, and community supporters of Wisconsin public schools and their students are invited to attend. This is an opportunity to get connected, learn from each other, and be a part of the growing movement to support our public schools and the students they serve.

Our goal is to create opportunities for local-level actions that have a state-level impact. Whether you are a seasoned expert, just want to learn more, or want to get involved, your voice is needed in this conversation!