Donations for the Warming Center can be dropped off at the former Warming

Center location: 540 South 3 rd Avenue in Wausau.


The location for the Warming Center for this year is the First United Methodist

Church in Wausau. It will provide space for up to 25 men and women to assure

more space for social distancing during this winter season. Do not drop off

donations at the Methodist Church.


Warm Items (They cannot accept items for warm weather or bedding.)


Gently used winter coats—Both Men’s and Women’s

Winter boots for men—Sizes 9-14

Winter boots for women—Sizes 6-10

Winter Gloves, Hand warmers and Foot warmers

Men’s Jeans—any size

New Men’s and Women’s underwear

Food Items

Fruit cups, pudding cups, Jello cups, soft granola bars and individually wrapped


Bottled Water

Other Items

Metro Bus Tokens

Ear Plugs

Chapstick/Lip Balm

Individual Kleenex Packages

Razors/Shaving Cream

Men’s and Women’s Deodorant

White Washcloths

Feminine products

Shampoo (12 oz. or larger)

Body Wash (12 oz. or larger)

Non-Latex Gloves (Sizes L and X-Large)

Rubber (Kitchen) Gloves (Sizes L and X-L)

Lysol Disinfecting Spray

Cleaning Supplies: Bleach, Mr. Clean, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Dish Soap

Disinfectant Wipes

Laundry Soap (HE only) and Dryer sheets

Large Backpacks

Gift cards for Sam’s, Walmart and Fleet Farm. The gift cards will be used to buy

other supplies that are not donated.