The Citizen Action of Wisconsin North Central Organizing Co-op has a lot to celebrate!

2017 was not an easy year for many of us, but we have seen a level of activism over the past 12+ months that inspires hope. Our organizing co-op has over 200 dues paying members and thousands of supporters who are willing to help us organize around important issues and elections.

They helped lead the fight (with other organizing co-ops and allies) to resist the repeal and replacement of the ACA, worked with the Fair Maps Coalition to get over 30 County boards to pass resolutions asking for a nonpartisan procedure for redistricting (resolutions mirrored after Co-op member Hans Breitenmoser’s resolution).

Now we are working on increasing the use of renewable energies and family sustaining jobs in the green economy by working with folks in the private, public and residential sectors to increase the use of solar and other renewables in an affordable manner!

This includes negotiating with Associated Bank to help (an ongoing campaign) with lending.

Citizen Action members made over 1000 calls to Get Out The Vote for Patty Schachtner in Wisconsin’s Special election for State Senate district 10. She won.

Take a look at the Year in Review for the Organizing Co-ops around the State:

Come to the Wausau Labor Temple, February 6th, at 5:30 pm, in the Grand Hall (Upper Level) to celebrate all that we have accomplished. If you require handicapped parking and entrance, please let me know.

Most of the Steering Committee will be present and would like to meet as many of our sustaining members as possible. We are encouraging folks to bring a light snack to pass for after the business part of our meeting. Please bring someone who is not a member but should be! We have a lot to accomplish in 2018.

For instance, we have 15 Co-op members and 10 allies running for Spring elections in 4 different counties! Members of the Organizing Co-ops around the State as well as partners and allies helped to develop a Candidate Platform that is being used to decide who we wish to endorse in the Spring and Fall elections.

It is also being used to build candidates up through our ranks and run them in offices all across the State! Check out the platform here:

None of this would be possible without your support of time, money or both! Please come celebrate with us, and bring a friend or two.

Please RSVP here:

WHEN February 06, 2018 at 5:30pm – 7:30pm

WHERE Wausau Labor Temple, The Grand Hall

320 S 3rd Ave

Wausau, WI 54401