1. Impulsive

2. Easily frustrated or annoyed

3. Lacks empathy, isn’t sympathetic to anyone’s needs or desires but their own.

4. Blames a victim for her/his behavior

5. Has difficulty following rules

6. Views violence in a positive way

7. Is motivated by power and the desire to dominate others

Bullying involves repeatedly hurting a victim with “teasing, name calling, mockery, threats, harassment, taunting, social exclusion or rumors.”

On a national level, these bullying tactics have taken on a cruel, abusive tone that hasn’t been evident for decades. Each day, news sources reveal more evidence of the bully tactics of a presidential candidate.

The long list of people he has bullied goes back many years: women, veterans and war heroes, contractors, employees, journalists, mayors, presidential candidates of both parties, news organizations, television networks, the United States, other nations, European leaders, the President of the United States, the former Secretary of Defense, immigrants, the disabled, the Pope, and ordinary citizens.

Bullies hurt all of us: the bystanders, the victims, the bully.

The school districts in Central Wisconsin are addressing the bullying issue.

Students in the DCE District in Schofield produced a video with skits of actual cases of bullying.

As parents, we have seen the effects of bullying when we have comforted a daughter or a son who has come home frightened by an abusive bully. Bullying has long lasting effects.

Bullying by any presidential candidate is unacceptable and inexcusable.