FAIR MAPS met in Ladysmith, Wisconsin on January 11, 2020 to plan action to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin.
The purpose for attending:
- Make connections
- Contribute to the cause
- Non-partisanship
- Coordinate messaging
- Become educated on effective strategy
- Learn how to pass referendums
- Learn what we can do locally
- Contribute to advocacy
- Find partners
How does gerrymandering affect Wisconsin:
- Party in power controls everything
- Opportunity to rig elections
- Elections at the state level don’t matter
- Divides municipalities and communities of interest
- Negative effect on voter turnout
- Unopposed races
- Wastes money and time
- Results in hyper-partisanship
Why do we want to end gerrymandering?
- We want to achieve fair redistricting
- Candidates and legislators would be responsive to constituents
- Raise voter confidence in the system
- Increased civic engagement
- Process would be transparency
- Cooperation among legislators
- Save money
- Better use of time (don’t have to fight the gerrymandering battle)
- Legislation would get passed
- No power grabs
The Fair Maps group worked on tactics to bring about fair redistricting. They also worked on messaging by finding common ground and stories of impact. Then they divided the work. Interested partners are League of Women Voters, Fair Elections Project, Citizen Action, RepresentUs and Retired Educators.
It was agreed that folks in the 7th CD would meet in three regional groups: NE, NW and SCentral. The South Central Counties include Marathon, Wood, Clark, Portage, Jackson and Juneau. Ann Stevning-Roe is the contact person for this area.
Their next meeting is February 12 in Wausau. Location and time TBD.