2 More Days to Give the City Your Comment Form on Phase II of the Thomas St. Project
Submit Your Comment Form to Oppose the Four-Lane on the Thomas St. Project
Phase II: 4th Avenue to the Bridge
Deadline to Submit Input: July 5, 2017
Return to:
City of Wausau Attn: Engineering Department
407 Grant Street Wausau, WI 54403
or email to: eric.lindman@ci.wausau.wi.us
If You Cannot Email or Mail the Form Itself: If you encounter a technical issue, please simply email input and comments in a standard email and send to Wausau’s Engineering Department: eric.lindman@ci.wausau.wi.us
Brief Overview:
- The Four-Lane Plan (Alternative) is still being proposed by the City even though it was told in March 2017 by the DOT that it will not be expanding the two-lane bridge. The bridge life may last until 2056.
- The Two-Lane Plan (Alternative) on the form still includes taking homes on the north side of the street for right-of-way even though DOT numbers indicate that the current two-lane road and footprint handles traffic numbers acceptably.
- If these options are not acceptable to you, then please oppose both alternatives and recommend that the current 2-lane road from 4th Avenue to the bridge be kept as-is and is simply repaved.
This input would be similar to the Wausau Daily Herald Editorial Board article “Thomas Street Doesn’t Need Four Lanes” from June 21, 2014 (emphasis added)
“In addition to residents’ natural and understandable concerns about neighborhood disruption, that is a strong summation of the argument against: The expansion is not necessary; the two-lane/four-lane hybrid creates a bottleneck; and the whole thing is expensive for the city.
The compromise plan beats the original four-lane proposal, and it may be what is required for the city to move forward on this project. But it would be cheaper and better to simply improve the road, and maintain it at two lanes.“