Wausau Fair Maps Town Hall
On June 21st, the Citizen Action of WI North Central Organizing Co-op hosted Sachin Chheda with the WI Fair Elections Project. He brought Wendy Sue Johnson, a plaintiff in Whitford vs. Gill. They were joined by Hans Breitrnmoser, a Lincoln County Board Supervisor and North Central Organizing Co-op member who recently worked to pass a County resolution asking for non-partisan redistricting. Since that time, 18 other counties have passed similar resolution (Wood County started with the first resolution in 2014…all others came after Lincoln County).
Most recently, Katie Rosenberg introduced a similar resolution. She is a Marathon County Board Supervisor for District 1. She also took part in the Fair Maps Town Hall. The Executive Committee for the Marathon County Board unanimously passed Katie’s resolution last week, and it is now on to the full board in late July. If they pass it, that will be 21 counties total.