With the November 2022 election a little over a week away, it’s time to think about your plan for voting.
Early voting in Wisconsin started on October 25 and will continue until Friday, November 4th. In large municipalities, voters often have a variety of options for where they can vote early. For example, many public libraries in Madison are early voting sites. In smaller towns and villages, the municipal clerk’s office is usually the place to vote early.
Voting early is a great option. Working parents can get it done and not worry that a soccer game or unexpected ear infection might keep you from getting to the polls. People who work odd hours often have difficulty getting to the polls on election day, especially if they need to get in and out quickly. College students regularly have schedules that make it difficult to get to their polling places between classes. And seniors may depend on rides from others with less flexibility in their schedules to get them to the polls.
For all these reasons and more, I encourage you to take advantage of early voting. Check for the early voting options in your community. And take three friends to vote early with you.