8 results for tag: work
City of Wausau should rethink bonuses
Knowingly or not, this suggestion represents anti-worker practice and hurts the public.
The power of a general strike
Happy Labor Day! This is actually a happy day for labor.
Labor Day is a time to reflect on the struggles workers still face
The last decade has shown a major upheaval in collective bargaining, attacking unions, and in reducing worker’s compensation in Wisconsin.
Ruminations of a former wage slave
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1.6 million workers – or 1.9% of all hourly wage, non-self-employed workers – earned wages at or below the federal minimum wage in 2019.
Paid family leave offers many benefits to society
For parents in the workforce who do not receive paid family leave, the important first months with baby can be cut short due to financial hardship.
Why I Am a Union Member in Retirement
During my working life, the only “good” jobs I have had were union represented.
Remote workers would offer much needed diversity to small cities
Recently, a bill aimed at saving two paper mills, one in Wisconsin Rapids and one in Park Falls, was passed in the Assembly. Three Democrats joined Republicans in passing the bill, which now will advance to the Senate.
Working from home works
In the past year, many people have had their first go at working from home. Some people have ranged farther afield taking their tablet computers, cellular phones and laptops to more exotic locations like parks, beaches or even vantage points along highways just to take a break from being at home all the time.