5 results for tag: Union

Labor Day is a time to reflect on the struggles workers still face

The last decade has shown a major upheaval in collective bargaining, attacking unions, and in reducing worker’s compensation in Wisconsin.

Why I Am a Union Member in Retirement

During my working life, the only “good” jobs I have had were union represented.

Dean Einerson’s Speech to Wisconsin Jobs Now Workers Before the Strike

Wausau, WI Labor Temple September 4, 2014 It is really good to be here in Wausau again. It is good to be here because it is always good to be around brave people. It is good to be here because the brave workers in Wausau are showing the rest of the North Woods what all of us need to do to get ahead. It is good to be here because there are workers in 130 cities and 35 countries on strike today for $15 and a union and that is very, very good. In the fall of 2012 there were a couple of hundred workers on strike. Last May there were strikes in over 100 cities, over 20 countries, and 6 continents. (The penguins in Antarctica haven’t started ...

Randy Radtke’s Speech to Wisconsin Jobs Now Workers Following the Strike

Wausau WI Labor Temple September 4, 2014 Let's give a round of applause for the workers going out on strike today, they are the real heroes. It shows that if we unite together, change will happen. There are many cities that have raised the minimum wage already because of this movement. Our own Jessy West recently won a judgment against Lee’s Famous Recipe as a result of the Wausau Fast Food Workers Strike back in May. Governor Scott Walker keeps talking about how anyone who needs a job can get a job. The problem with this is that workers often hold three – and if there were more hours in a day many of our people would work four – of the ...

Why I Am A Retired Union Member

Unions serve a number of useful purposes for working people. They give workers a voice in the workplace. They provide protection from arbitrary treatment by an employer with workplace rules and grievance procedures. They negotiate better pay and benefits. But a retired worker no longer has an employer. So why would a retired person join a retiree union? There are many reasons why I joined my retiree local. Unions give you a collective voice even in retirement. That voice can continue to protect your economic interests. Through lobbying, policy research, and political activism many unions help to advance the interests of all working people, ...