5 results for tag: congress

Fairness, least change and gerrylaundering

Governor Evers asked the commission to create legislative and congressional maps without partisan bias or advantage, while holding true to traditional redistricting criteria.

Ron Johnson is crazy like a fox

What has become of the happy-go-lucky, country club Republicans of yore, who just wanted to make more money, pay less in taxes, and sip their martinis on the golf course without worrying their pretty heads about unpleasant matters like racism, inequality and climate change?

Senators need to pass the Freedom to Vote Act

The For the People Act was the very first bill the Democratic-led Congress submitted after Joe Biden became President.


Gerrymandering: the practice of dividing or arranging a territorial unit into election districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage in elections

Stop shedding crocodile tears over the death of BBB

In a move that should surprise no one, Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) refused to go along with the proposed $2 trillion Build Back Better (BBB) bill, and while I am not happy about how this undercuts President Biden’s climate agenda, I was never in agreement with the increases in the child tax credit.