Despite the fact that scientists from around the world warn us, almost daily now, that we are witnessing the unraveling of the climate we depend on, their message hasn’t turned our heads in sharp alarm. If you’re thirty or less you might have an excuse because it’s been that long since we’ve had a year with normal temperatures.

The earth is heating up. But for the rest of us, well, we just ought to know better. We sure didn’t grow up in Wisconsin with regular winter rains, or growing seasons that went past Labor Day weekend. Now we’re eating fresh tomatoes from our garden’s in late September and even into October, while winter rains are raising havoc with outdoor farm animals and winter sports.

We old timers didn’t grow up thinking about greenhouse gasses or our carbon footprints either. Those were the good old days and who in their right mind wants to leave them behind. And yet if we care about ourselves, our children and theirs to come, leave them we must.

Those good old fossil fuels are biting us all hard today, and blighting our children’s future. Another thing Wisconsin’s changing climate is putting the bite on is our most cherished fish.

Many of us here in the Dairy state grew up with a fishing pole in our hands and when our kids got old enough to hold onto one we dropped a pole in their little hands too. We all know there’s nothing like a day spent fishing with our daughters and sons on a favorite lake or stream.

And that’s why we need to hear what retired DNR fisheries biologist Frank Pratt has to tell us about what our changing climate is already doing to some of our favorite fish.

After thirty-eight years of research, today Frank continues to do his work with young folks at the Northern Waters Environmental School in the Hayward school district.

He is a respected member of Green Fire, an organization largely made up of retired Wisconsin DNR research scientists. In a talk titled “Wisconsin’s Fish are in Hot Water” Frank has a lot to say about the future of our most cherished fish, and will be doing just that the last week in February. Here’s his schedule,

February 26 – 7PM at the Civic Engagement Center, Wausau

February 27 – 6:30PM at the Mead Wildlife Center in Portage County

February 28 – 6PM at the T.B. Scott Library, Merrill.

You won’t want to miss his presentations.