Join us for State Advocacy Day

Wednesday, April 19
8:30am – 4:30pm
State Capitol, Madison
The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition will hold its annual State Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 from 8:30am – 4:30pm at the State Capitol in MadisonCan you bring your voice, your support, your story to our cause that day?


1.    Screening for cancer for high-risk women and those with dense breast tissue: A bill has been introduced that would require insurers to cover essential screenings for women who are at high risk for breast cancer due to dense breast tissue or family history/genetics. We will be encouraging policy makers to support SB 121 and AB 117. Talk to state lawmakers about the importance of this legislation and ensure all women have affordable access to the most appropriate screening methods for dense breast tissue. Nearly half of Wisconsin women have learned they have dense breasts following a mammogram, thanks to Wisconsin’s 2017 notification law. Dense breast tissue is not only a risk factor for developing breast cancer but can hide tumors on mammography. Supplemental screening via ultrasound or MRI is more effective at finding early cancers in these cases. NOW we need to finish the job, pass SB 121 / AB 117 and make sure all women can access these necessary, supplemental screenings at no cost, so that any tumors can be detected early, when they are most treatable.

2.    Ensure Access to Wisconsin Well Woman Program: The Wisconsin Well Woman Program is a vital resource for low income or uninsured women who need access to mammograms and treatment. The rate of new breast cancer diagnoses in Wisconsin is above the national average and we want to make sure legislators understand the essential role Well Woman Coordinators play across our state.

This is a free event, with materials, training and lunch provided. Small groups with experienced leaders will meet throughout the day with legislators and their staff during prearranged meetings. You will help contribute to their understanding of the impact ACCESS TO CARE has on breast cancer patients.


YOUR VOICE is essential – if you have been told you have dense breasts, you have benefited from the Wisconsin Well Woman Program or your life has been touched by breast cancer in any way!

Register here: