Right now

Living in Fear

“There is something deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem you are unwilling to resolve.” Miroslav Volf, theologian and author.   “No amount of words can express the loss our community feels for the fallen heroes of the Village of Cameron Police Department and Chetek Police Department. My prayers continue to go out to the families and loved ones...” Rep. Tom Tiffany on the two police officers recently killed in NW Wisconsin in a traffic stop shootout.   Tiffany has been a strong opponent of all efforts to pass sensible gun control ...

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Minocqua Joint Finance Committee Hearing

Minocqua Joint Finance Committee Hearing WHEN: Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM WHERE: Lakeland Union High School Theatre, 9573 State Highway 70, Minocqua, WI 54548   Governor Evers' state budget includes accepting the federal dollars to expand Badger Care, which would give more than 90,000 Wisconsinites access to healthcare. This is the perfect opportunity to spend the day with likeminded friends and to make your wishes known that we want a healthier Wisconsin that we all can thrive in. *Be sure to get there early to sign up to speak.

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Join us for State Advocacy Day

Wednesday, April 19 8:30am - 4:30pm State Capitol, Madison The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition will hold its annual State Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 from 8:30am – 4:30pm at the State Capitol in Madison. Can you bring your voice, your support, your story to our cause that day? Issues: 1.    Screening for cancer for high-risk women and those with dense breast tissue: A bill has been introduced that would require insurers to cover essential screenings for women who are at high risk for breast cancer due to dense breast ...

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Ruminations on the Wisconsin Election

The April 4th Wisconsin election was a huge victory for progressives. Judge Janet Protasiewicz soundly trounced the conservative candidate by an 11% margin. This overwhelming victory will have a major positive impact on Wisconsin. The court is now controlled by judges whose rulings will be guided by seeking justice within the law. The highly partisan rulings of the past 15 years will end. The ridiculous notion that judicial rulings on social issues must adhere to the “original intent” of earlier racists and misogynists will no longer limit progress. It will now be ...

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Sometimes all it takes is someone sharing a photo that draws attention. “They’re planning a mine here—not a joke.” This photo above is worth a thousand words and received one hundred shares  on Facebook in very short amount of time. This photo woke sleeping giants that walk among us for the good. This mining project is slated for this year. Anyone who has spent time in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan has seen the bountiful beauty, the waterfalls, Lake Superior, and the endless forests. The Porcupine Mountains State Park, especially the Presque Isle scenic ...

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To the Superintendent and the Board of Education From a School Board Candidate

Why are you creating this overwhelming, revolutionary change in our community schools? Your now definitive, solidified decision will create some unbearable changes for families as well as the communities here.  You have given us Door Number One of your solution.  Where is Door Number Two and Door Number Three?   Have you considered other solutions?   Change the boundaries.  East and West would have a balance of approximately 1400 students.  Eau Claire (which formerly used rivers as boundaries) has had to change boundaries a few times because ...

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Manliness in a techno-digital economy

There is a ubiquitous ad on television where a young man whistles for his wife’s Christmas gift, a dog comes running through the snow, and jumps into her arms. The wife then whistles and a new, big, pickup comes bounding out of the snow. The wife nods to the husband, yes, that’s your gift. He wraps himself around the truck in an emotional hug. What’s going on here? The wife is becoming attached to a sentient being. The dog responds to her affection. The husband is hugging a machine. It is a large machine that can enlarge his vision of himself as a man. Driving it ...

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Average American to US Congressman: “Congressman, my city’s water is supplied through aging lead pipes. Children are showing high levels of lead in their bodies that damages brain development and their overall health. I’m terrified for my own children. We need congress to provide the money to replace these dangerous pipes.” US Congressman to Average American: “Yes, yes, I know – these pipes are a real problem and believe me, I feel your pain. But you know, times are tough and we just don’t have the money right now. Maybe you can buy bottled water for the ...

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Hot Evaluation

Let’s look at the results generated from the first 6 months of the latest version of Wausau’s Homeless Outreach Team (HOT), presented to the City’s Public Health and Safety Committee recently.   This is based on their assumption there are 30-50 unhoused Wausonians. 20 have been engaged with by their outreach specialist. Of those twenty, four have been “successfully housed”. That would mean 25% of the people engaged with found a place while only 13% of all unhoused did, using the number 30. There is no mention of the number of engageme...

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Americans all know Russia is aggressive, populated by Slavic barbarians, and their leader, Putin, is a mad gangster out to dominate the world. The Chinese are just as bad. Their leader, XI Jinping, is friends with Putin. Need one say more? We need to hate these people. But Americans also believe in fairness, a level playing field. Since the U.S. has placed missiles near Russia’s boarders in Poland and Romania (Ukraine was next) just 5 – 7 minutes flight time to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other major Russian cities, Russia should put missiles back in Cuba. And as ...

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