Physicians for a National Health Program
To anyone who may want to learn more, this is a great opportunity about how the Advantage Plans are taking over public Healthcare and are not really the best thing for us.
Either of these links should work for the SEIU Retiree organized presentation on Thursday, September 19 at 1:00.
There will be presenters from Physicians for a National Health Program, plus a guest appearance
by Lieutenant Governor Sarah Rodriguez (who is also a nurse).
You can also attend live at the Madison Labor Temple.
Saving Social Security
Recently Wausau took part in a launch of Seniors for Biden in Wisconsin. We had former Alabama Senator Doug Jones come to Wausau to do a tour on Social Security and Medicare. Throughout the week, former U.S. Senator Doug Jones launched the “Protect Our Retirement” tour to campaign for President Biden across Wisconsin, with stops in Wausau, Green Bay, and Milwaukee.
Doug Jones is a former U.S. senator and current civil rights attorney. In 2017, he won a special election to fill a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama—the first Democrat to do so in 25 years in the ...
Yet Another Anniversary Roe v Wade
A reminder that on June 24 we are seeing yet another anniversary of the overturning of Roe v Wade (June 24, 2022). What does your area have planned? Is your community planning a rally? Below are some talking points for Letters to the Editor. Talk to your friends and neighbors, we need to have facts out there.
**Wausau will have a rally on Saturday, June 22 from noon unti 1:30 PM at the entrance to Marathon Park, across from John Muir. Bring a sign and see you there. More details to come.
The Supreme Court ruling in FDA v. Alliance for ...
A Nation Going Backwards
On this day two years ago, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked and women across Wisconsin learned that they would be left with fewer rights than the generations that came before them. It’s sad that I grew up with more rights than my daughter now has. This is a nation going backwards.
Trump’s 2016 campaign promise to appoint justices’ intent on dismantling Roe v. Wade was a very clear sign of the dangerous times ahead – and his actions in office delivered on that promise. And now, because of Trump, more than 1 in 3 women of ...
Poor People’s Campaign
On Saturday, March 2nd, there was a mass March & Assembly at the Capitol in Madison as part of a nationally coordinated day of action in 32 states plus Washignton, D.C.
Here in Wisconsin, we gathered at the State Street steps, individuals, groups, congregations, and unions, all ready to march.
After the march we gathered at the First United Methodist Church for a mass assembly, followed by lunch.
Forward together, not one step back!
Madison Action Day
Many of us from the Wausau area attended Madison Action Day on April 27. We were in full force with many other WISDOM affiliates throughout the state. Thank you to Ron Alexander and NAOMI for providing bus transportation. We heard from many speakers, we watched a Drum Circle and a stellar performance from the Raging Grannies. In the afternoon we met with our elected officials to talk about issues we care about and that affect all of us! The following is a few of the issues in the state budget:
Restoring driver's licenses for all Wisconsinites
Accepting the ...
Minocqua Joint Finance Committee Hearing
Minocqua Joint Finance Committee Hearing
WHEN: Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
WHERE: Lakeland Union High School Theatre, 9573 State Highway 70, Minocqua, WI 54548
Governor Evers' state budget includes accepting the federal dollars to expand Badger Care, which would give more than 90,000 Wisconsinites access to healthcare. This is the perfect opportunity to spend the day with likeminded friends and to make your wishes known that we want a healthier Wisconsin that we all can thrive in.
*Be sure to get there early to sign up to speak.
Join us for State Advocacy Day
Wednesday, April 19
8:30am - 4:30pm
State Capitol, Madison
The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition will hold its annual State Advocacy Day on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 from 8:30am – 4:30pm at the State Capitol in Madison. Can you bring your voice, your support, your story to our cause that day?
1. Screening for cancer for high-risk women and those with dense breast tissue: A bill has been introduced that would require insurers to cover essential screenings for women who are at high risk for breast cancer due to dense breast ...
NAOMI Action Day
Join with hundreds of people from WISDOM affiliates around the state whose values impel them to advocate for a more just and equitable Wisconsin on Thursday, April 27. The day will begin with an inspiring and informative session at the Masonic Center. After a boxed lunch, we will proceed to the Capitol for a rally followed by visits with our state senators and representatives.
Will provide a bus for the event, leaving from Mt. Sinai Congregation, loading at 6:15 am leaving at 6:30 am, making a stop at the park/ride in Kronenwetter and in the parking lot behind the ...
Freedom Is Healthcare For All
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.”
Walter Cronkite, CBS Evening News anchorman for 19 years (1962 to 1981) and "the most trusted man in America.”
The United States is the only country of the major economic powers where medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy. Only in America do people live in fear of an illness resulting in financial ruin. Only in America do 30 million people, 9.0 % of the ...