Gun Rights
We Don’t Have to Live Like This
"Gun violence is a scourge that is unique to this country, and that is why we are taking action...We don't have to live like this." Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer
“They’re banishing books from their schools. We’re banishing hunger from ours.” Minnesota governor Tim Walz
Gov. Whitmer was talking about the recently enacted legislation to strengthen gun control laws in Michigan. In 2020 men armed with assault rifles entered the Michigan capital building protesting pandemic safety policies. There was also a failed plot by anti-government extremists to kidnap ...
Living in Fear
“There is something deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem you are unwilling to resolve.” Miroslav Volf, theologian and author.
“No amount of words can express the loss our community feels for the fallen heroes of the Village of Cameron Police Department and Chetek Police Department. My prayers continue to go out to the families and loved ones...” Rep. Tom Tiffany on the two police officers recently killed in NW Wisconsin in a traffic stop shootout.
Tiffany has been a strong opponent of all efforts to pass sensible gun control ...
Gun Violence Needs Action Not Prayers
“There is something deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem you are unwilling to resolve.” These are the words of Miroslav Volf, a protestant theologian. This applies to the recent shooting of two police officers from Cameron and Chetek. Tragically both were killed in a shootout following a traffic stop.
It is “deeply hypocritical” to lament the death of these officers (or the tens-of-thousands of gun deaths each year) when we are “unwilling to resolve” the problem of gun violence.
The shooter was wanted for not paying child support. He ...
Wellbeing of Our Children
Legislators: This is a copy of the letter I will be sending to news outlets in central and northern Wisconsin. It is intended to promote thought about gun safety laws and the well being of children and families in our state. I'm sending it to you as a statement of support for both increased mental health and public school funding where mental health problems can be best identified and addressed.
In the first 46 days of this year there have been 67 mass shootings in the United States. The recent Michigan State University ...
The bullet on the right is a 165 grain copper jacketed lead bullet. The one on the left is a 165 grain all copper bullet. Both are made by Federal Cartridge. The copper ammunition costs me about $1.50 more per box of twenty rounds compared to the premium lead ammo I used to use. (If you use cheap lead ammo, the difference in price will be greater.)
Both are deadly on deer. The lead round, a boat-tailed soft point, kept us in venison for three decades. The copper round has done the same for the last five years.
As I hunted deer today, I sat within sight of the gut ...
The Choice on Guns
Bad thinking and misinformation about guns is common in our country. Apologists for our crazy gun culture often use misleading statistics. Their arguments sound reasonable or appear to be supported by facts and numbers. But statistics can be misleading when they are misused, out of context or interpreted incorrectly.
I recently read a letter-to-the-editor that claimed mass shootings were not a problem because they are a very small percentage of the 45,000 gun related deaths each year. The author accused gun control advocates of exaggerating the issue. It is true that ...
An open letter to the Wisconsin Legislature: We need to keep guns out of the hands of abusers
Dear Legislators;
A recent case that went before the State Supreme Court has shed some light on a troubling fact: Wisconsin has no laws prohibiting the possession or purchase of firearms by people who have committed violent misdemeanors.
Daniel Doubek, a man who threatened the life of his estranged wife, is now allowed to obtain a concealed carry permit. It is absurd to say the least. The courts did their job, which amounts to interpreting the law, so it is clear to me that the job of changing the law is up to members of the State Assembly and Senate.
In ...
Guns Are Not the Answer
Over the weekend of March 19-20 there were nine mass shootings across the country. Eight people were killed and 60 wounded including children and unlucky bi-standers.
These incidents happened in diverse locations and a variety of social settings. The usual reasons given for gun violence – a mentally ill “lone wolf”, “bad guys,” drug gangs, ethnic or religious hate – don't seem to apply. From the limited information available, there appears to be only one common thread to these incidents – the presence of guns.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 4 shot at a party
Vigil to End Gun Violence
Friday, December 14 is the Vigil to End Gun Violence.
613 N. 5th Street, Wausau, WI, 54403
6:30 p.m.
This vigil will call for common sense measures to reduce gun deaths and injuries in our nation. This vigil will honor all victims and survivors of gun violence, and shine a light on the epidemic of gun violence in our country.
December 14 marks six years since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT where 20 children and 6 educators were killed.
YWCA of Wausau is partnering with the Newtown Foundation, Moms Demand Action for Gun ...
Kristin Conway, the organizer for Moms Demand Action (MDA) in the Wausau area, reflected on the mass killings in recent years. A few months ago, MDA began with two people. Thirty-five people attended the meeting after the Parkland shooting.
Moms Demand Action provided a table inside the Wausau Mall with literature, voting information, and postcards. Participants wrote messages on the cards that were then sent to Congressman Duffy’s office.
Marchers solemnly marched to Congressman Duffy’s empty office.
“Now we ask for some silence and mindful thoughts or ...