A Pollution Free Future
On Tuesday, March 14, the Wausau City Council unanimously approved a resolution supporting reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In approving the resolution Wausau has committed themselves to developing an energy plan and moving the city to becoming 100% clean energy by 2050.
There were many good speeches that evening but one that was really heartwarming and future driven was given by Jean Abreu. I would like to share it with you. ~Nancy
Here it is:
“I’m here to speak in support of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Resolution.
Not only is this a Fiscally and ...
Drilling in the Chequamegon Forest
Drilling plans underway for gold deposits near Wausau and in Chequamegon National Forest
(Wausau, WI) If Toronto-Ontario, Canada based GreenLight Metals has its way, the winter of 2022-2023 will be a busy time for metallic sulfide mine development in Wisconsin. GreenLight has submitted plans to start exploration drilling at many of Wisconsin’s most loved natural features – The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, The Ice Age National Scenic Trail, and The Dells of the Eau Claire State Natural Area, are all being targeted.
Project documents here: https://dnr.wi...
To Be Human
Like a ripe Touch-Me-Not seed capsule just waiting for a finger to trigger the pop that sends it's precious cargo out into the world, mornings burst with the promise of exploration, new discoveries and grand inventions. If you don't believe me just watch any young child jump out of bed with a head full of grand ideas, or an aging, retired guy about to head out for his morning walk in the country. Lord only knows what discoveries might be waiting out there.
This delight in novelty and new challenges is what has brought us from our shaky, beginnings in ...
Concerns about exploration drilling at the Wausau-Reef gold deposit in Marathon County
The long known gold deposit 10-miles east of Wausau is being considered for a 450-foot deep open-pit gold mine. Although gold is in abundance and already stored in vast quantities in bank vaults and jewelry collections around the world, advocates for the project are claiming that the world needs more for the new “green economy”. This is an unsupported claim as the manufacturers of smart phones and computers confirm there are only trace amounts of gold in their products and they are moving away from the mineral. However, even the small amount of gold contained in a ...
Wausau going big on solar energy should excite those who love nature
As a homeowner myself, there was something in their desire to preserve “hearth and home” that at first struck an empathetic chord.
Savion to hold public hearing on solar project
Savion will host a public meeting to offer information on their ongoing efforts on the Saratoga Solar Project.
Reimagine waste: Capturing and reusing carbon to build a better world
If something is not bigger, more expensive, shinier, full of greater functionality and more expensive, it is just not new enough, not good enough. This is a flawed perspective.
Think Outside the Oil Barrel
Many of the world's best scientists just released their latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, their thrust? To continue to rely on fossil fuels is to invite incalculable disaster. Considering the reputation past IPCC reports have earned as much too conservative this one is so alarming then that we ought to rush out with arms opened wide to embrace renewable energy and other sustainable technologies like electric cars.
We should exuberantly grow our own food, gladly reduce the amount of meat in our diets and when possible buy locally sourced ...
Solar Power Coming to Wausau
You can learn more about Solar Power for you. In October Solar Power Hour will be held in the Wausau Area.
Learn how to save money with solar power. The program is well on its way to reaching the next benchmark of 100 kW, triggering a $.10 per watt ($1,000) rebate. Currently the average homeowner buying through the program will receive a $500 rebate, we need just 18 kW more to reach the program's second benchmark.
Attend an upcoming Solar Power Hour to learn more about going solar!
Grow Solar is a collaborative effort to make solar affordable for private home ...
SOLAR WISCONSIN GROUP BUY is just 18 kW away from hitting their second benchmark, triggering a $1,000 rebate for participants!
The program is well on its way to reaching the next benchmark of 100 kW, triggering a $.10 per watt ($1,000) rebate. Currently the average homeowner buying through the program will receive a $500 rebate, we need just 18 kW more to reach the program's second benchmark.
Attend an upcoming Solar Power Hour to learn more about going solar!
Grow Solar is a collaborative effort to make solar affordable for private home owners as well as busine...