Women for Women
Join us on Zoom for Women for Women on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6 PM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 5964 2807
Passcode: 872126
Join us as we welcome Dr Jill Underly
Superintendent of Public Education
The Spring Elections are right around the corner and Dr. Jill Underly will be joining us on Women for Women Wisconsin. She is the endorsed candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Jill became a teacher because she wanted to make the world a better place. ...
Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 2 PM on the sidewalk around the 400 block.
Come join Central Wisconsin's PEACEFUL protest. A place for us to all come together and let the world know we WON'T BE SILENT!
A place to fight for women's rights, BIPOC rights, reproductive rights, LQBTQIA+ rights, disability rights, protecting our earth, immigrant rights, education, equality and equity.
A place to fight against Project 2025 and place to fight for human rights!
Come with your signs and a positive attitude! We will meet at ...
Here are a few good reads for you to check out. If any of you out there are avid readers, please share some of yours.
In the Garden of Beasts, Erik Larson
War, Bob Woodward
The Book of Lost Names, Kirsten Harmel
Freedom is a Constant Struggle, Angela Davis
Gravel on the Side of the Road, Kris Radish (also read her on Substack)
Ultra-Rich are Working to Mount Anti-Democratic Coup
Under the cover of religion, and promotion of social-political issues, some members of our ultra-rich class have launched a coup. They have insinuated themselves in the government and judiciary to vote themselves huge tax breaks.
Under the last administration, a $1.7 trillion tax cut was enacted. It was heavily tilted to favor the top one-percent. No cuts in spending were enacted to pay for those cuts, so the amount of taxes not collected was added to the deficit.
That was highly inflationary. Also, who will pay the bills if the top one-percent does not? It is the ...
This year the North Central Wisconsin Central Labor Council will once again
do the Stuff the Bus Campaign as part of the Labor Day Parade (The parade is Monday, September 2 at 4 PM). While you are
out shopping for school supplies, please consider picking up an extra pack of
crayons, or an extra pack of pencils, a Backpack, or Kleenex. Our teachers and our
school districts depend on the generosity of our community. Please help so
everyone can learn and thrive. Thank you!
All supplies may be collected by your union and turned into the Labor Council.
Friends for Peace,
We will be walking around the 400 Block in Wausau each Saturday morning at 10 am until about 11:30. Many come to walk and many come to sit on the corners of the 400 Block with signs and flags to be present for people who want to stop to talk.
Please join us as you are able! Bring a new sign if you have time. We do have some to share if you need one!
All of our hearts should be open, and in doing this we will be strengthened to take actions in support of a peaceful solution.
In Solidarity,
Carolyn, Claudette, Nancy and David
Women for Women
Women for Women
Thursday, April 4, 2024, 6 PM
The April Women for Women will feature ECDC and New Beginnings, helping refugees resettle in the Wausau area. Come to learn and ask questions.
Topic: Women for Women Zoom Meeting
Time: February 1, 2024 at 6:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the First Thursday, until May 2, 2024, 6 occurrence(s)
Feb 1, 2024 06:00 PM
Mar 7, 2024 06:00 PM
Apr 4, 2024 06:00 PM
May 2, 2024 06:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar ...
February 26-March 1st is Public School Week in Wisconsin
My mother, Elvie, grew up during the Depression on a family dairy farm in Maple, Wisconsin. She graduated from a small elementary school that educated children from first through eighth grade. Because she was the oldest of three children, she was needed on the farm and was unable to attend a high school in Superior.
Thankfully, that was not the case for me when I graduated from 8th grade in the Northwestern School District. I was able to graduate from Northwestern High School which is located in Maple.
How did this come to pass? The Miracle of Maple, written by ...