A Lifeline in the Wake of Tragedy
If you think Social Security is just for when you get old....
Here's an ad to watch and share:
Little did I know when I started volunteering here how much this would grow on me. There is great need in our comunity and often those with the greatest needs are shunned. The problem of unhoused is not going away by wishing it away or incarcerating it away. And shame on those who say "not in my backyard." All I can say is, you have touched me, I have grown.
Community Outreach Task Force is A Non-profit Organization with a mission to provide the basic living needs (and more) to the homeless. We are staffed by volunteers, so 100% goes directly to servicing the most ...
Help Reduce to Homelessness in Wausau
Individuals without housing are a part of many communities across the country. Unhoused people face challenges that are varied and not easily addressed. As long as their housing and other individual needs remain unmet, some collisions with the interests of the broader community are likely.
Won’t our city and county benefit most if we don’t simplify this complex issue and instead explore multiple perspectives and approaches? Aren’t we best served by moderating differences to craft reasonable problem-solving plans and implementation measures?
Compromise, as ...
Northcentral Chapter of WI Poor People’s Campaign
After attending the Poor People's Campaign led Poor and low-wage workers' assembly and Moral march on Washington and to the polls on June 18th, I have had cause to reflect on where I stand at this moment in history. I have come to believe humanity ebbs and flows as a tide, and on that day, I saw the beginnings of righteousness flowing down as a river, and justice like a mighty stream.
I have never once shied away from speaking my mind. I have also never once been afraid to dive headlong into uneasy and controversial discussions even to the unintentional ruffling of ...
The Poor People’s Campaign Heads to the Polls With an Agenda to lift From the Bottom
Campaign demands meeting with Biden, pledges to register poor & low-income voters, will return to DC in September
Following a powerful and passionate march and moral assembly of poor and low-wage workers and faith leaders that drew thousands of people from every state in the nation, the Poor People’s Campaign has announced its plans for the midterm elections in November.
The Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls was Saturday with the U.S. Capitol in the background. People gathered on Pennsylva...
Poor People’s Campaign rallies to Washington D.C.
We will have a full story in our next edition of Middle Wisconsin.
In 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. organized low-income Americans of different backgrounds in a march on Washington known as the "Poor People's Campaign."
Over fifty-years later, thousands of protesters gathered Saturday to deliver that same message at the Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.
The rally urged low-income voters to participate in the upcoming midterm elections and featured religious organizations, pro-democracy groups, labor ...
Sunsetting Social Security
The Republican Party is running on an agenda, proposed by the National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair Senator Rick Scott, which would sunset all federal legislation in five years. This means that the Republican Party is pushing an agenda that would sunset Medicare and Social Security. Shame on them! It is hard to believe Rick Scott comes from Florida where the largest population are seniors. I cannot even begin to tell you how much of a disaster this would be for American families. Our very own Senator Ron Johnson has praised this agenda and said that it would be ...
UW-Platteville cannabis program is growing as legal status in Wisconsin remains hazy
The status of legal cannabis in Wisconsin, whether for recreational or medicinal use, remains up in the air, but that hasn’t stopped UW-Platteville’s cannabis program from growing.
What I am thankful for
This is the time of year when families gather and give thanks for the blessings in their life.
The saying goes, if you hear hoofbeats, you think horses, not zebras. That very line of reason is why it took so long for me to get accurate diagnoses for so many ailments I suffer from.