26 results for author: William Hascall
The art of never giving up
A single candle can be seen for miles.
The SOP must die
The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a concept which was slowly developed by management to create clear rules for employees to follow for a specific set of circumstances.
I want to get involved, but…
It was sometime in 1988 when I became involved in my first organization outside of school.
Education equity
Education helps everyone improve their lives as well as the lives of their families, and having everyone at a basic level of education helps us as a society as a whole.
Wild West vs. the Internet
Spam email is so insulting on so many levels, however I recall someone’s comment that compared the Internet to the Wild West... and that is really insulting to the Wild West!
Invisible discrimination against the disabled
Have you walked into a store and found the layout makes less sense? How about running a computer software upgrade and then having to find where your most useful features have wandered off to? These can be minor annoyances to people who are not mobility, mentally or visually impaired but if you suffer from one or more of these disabilities, these changes can be downright frustrating or may make it impossible to complete a task.
What does it take to be an ambassador?
The term “ambassador” goes back to the 14th century, but the idea of sending emissaries to other countries to help in assuring international cooperation goes as far back as we have had nations.
If government is to work for the people, the people must work for it
I know people who do not know how to change a tire, or even how to check the oil. This so aggravates me. Let's take a complex system, ignore the complexity and treat it like a black box. This is absolutely a recipe for disaster. I see this problem with cars, technology and with our government.
Patriotism is learning to live with one another
Since I was a young child I was fascinated by pyrotechnics. While the chemistry of fireworks is fascinating, and the artistry that goes into creating the visual display is impressive, I have never really cared for the volume of the resulting booms. While I personally have never been in a war zone, I think about all the friends and family that have and imagine how hard it is for some of them to deal with a display which could look and sound something like a battleground. So, during this celebratory season around the 4th of July, I often think about the people I know who have fought for our country. I would like to share one of those stories with you ...
Stop being so serious!