2 results for author: Jeffrey Leverich
In the last few weeks school boards in Janesville, Rhinelander, Green Bay and Wisconsin Rapids passed resolutions stipulating that the public has a right to know how much state aid for public schools is being sent to subsidize private education. I encourage you to work with school boards in your area to further these efforts.
In addition to asking school boards to pass their own resolutions, we can encourage school board members to support a WASB resolution--that will be introduced Jan. 17th at their state convention--that calls for reporting on local tax bills the amount of resources being diverted from public schools to private education.
If ...
Economic Justice and the Wisconsin Uprising
Since the uprising in February 2011, Wisconsin’s legislature has implemented a raft of legislation that denies basic rights for all working people, not just unions. The agenda advances corporate power over the interests of average families, including corporate takeover of public resources such as education.
The real occupy movement today is found in state houses across this great land where big money interests aided by faux journalistic outfits, think tanks, and lurid amounts of campaign funding run roughshod over the rights of working men and women. Ultimately, many of these forces seek policies that advance their interests at the expense of ...