What I Want You To Know is a radically honest film about veterans, moral injury, and the post-9/11 wars. It offers an intimate journey alongside veterans as they share deeply personal stories from their deployments, exploring truth and justice in the context of their wars. Their depictions of moral injury provide a unique and critical perspective on the cost and consequences of war.


Catie Foertsch Producer / Director, Impact Campaign Director
Travis Weiner Executive Producer, Iraq veteran
Tommy Furlong Executive Producer, Afghanistan veteran


 What I Want You To Know is now live on Kanopy!

Kanopy is a global on-demand streaming platform that’s used by colleges and universities to access films and movies for classroom use. It’s also used by more than 10,000 public libraries in North America to provide films and movies for free to library patrons for personal viewing.

If your library offers Kanopy, you can use the above link and sign in directly with your library card to watch the film. If you’re a professor, you can use your university log-in.

If your library or university doesn’t have Kanopy, you can ask a librarian if they can sign up. Or you can ask them to license the film for their collection.