4 results for tag: poor

Vigil to be held for Wausau’s homeless

The Northcentral Chapter of Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign is holding Wausau’s first Vigil for the Unhoused on the day that has the longest night of the year, December 21st, starting at 2:30 p.m.on the 400 block.

New Options for Using EBT

During my working years, I spent a lot of time working for agencies that helped people living in poverty. I firmly believe that the poor are best served by those who have shared experiences.

Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign holds teach-in

Housing costs and large scale acquisition of homes by multibillionaire asset manager groups such as Black Rock, as well as a gross miscalculation of the number of true homelessness — by half — paint a bleak future for working and low income people securing a safe abode or buying a home and building equity.

The road to poverty is paved with good intentions

As a proposed increase to the minimum wage became part of the COVID Relief bill, then later scrapped, my subconscious pointed out a flaw in my thinking. I had a vivid dream where I was talking to numerous business owners who are a part of our vibrant local food scene. Many of these restaurateurs, farmers, and value-added food producers make $50,000 per year or less while paying the current minimum wage, or slightly more. Paying workers based on a wage ratio limit would not necessarily guarantee a living wage, so in the dream they were asking me what they should pay. What would be a competitive pay rate?