Reflecting on the recent passing of former President Jimmy Carter, I remember as a teenager standing in awe along a fence line of what is now I-39, watching the Presidential motorcade go by.
I am reminded of the many great things our former president did. Such a sad contrast to what we are stepping into today. Yes, let us make America great again. Let us take America to a time of truth and honesty.
Carter himself was an Evangelical Christian, which is not to be confused with the Christian nationalism we see today. Jimmy Carter worked as a true leader, knowing that real democracy called for the separation of church and state. He walked the walk with sincerity and compassion. He knew how to live a life that was bigger than himself. So yes, let us make American great again.
Former President Carter came out of the deep south, post slavery Georgia. As a true progressive, he advanced democracy and human rights. He appointed a record number of women and people of color to government jobs. That is how you make America great again.
Working in times of great inflation in this country, Carter bolstered Social Security, ensuring income for many. He went on to create the modernized Department of Education and the Department of Energy. Carter worked diligently to release the hostages in Iran. Reaching across the aisle to make America great again.
America laid to rest a man of great morality and honestly, a man who respected human rights.
This week we also witnessed the certification of the vote. Done with the utmost respect for our constitution, completed with the grace and dignity that only our current Vice President, Kamala Harris could deliver. This was a peaceful transfer of power.
I hope that all is not lost and one day we can again have a leader who is an exemplary role model. Only then will America indeed be great again.