cooperation [ koh-op-uhrey-shuhn ]

an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit

mutually beneficial interaction among organisms [nations] living in a limited area [planet Earth]


History is critical to our understanding of the present. At this moment in the evolution of human societies around the globe, visualizing the Ancient Silk Road(s) running from China and Mongolia in the East, to the Roman Empire in the West, could not be of greater significance. Please, take a few minutes to watch the following TED video on the Silk Road. It points in so many cooperative directions and shows how the ancient past provides a map for a hopeful future:


Called the Belt and Road Initiative, China, along with other Eurasian, ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations), African, and even, in the not-too-distant future, South and Central American nations, are in the process of rebuilding, expanding, and modernizing the ancient Silk Road. Long past camels, horses, Chinese junks, Indian Ocean dhows and square-rigged ships, the Belt and Road Initiative is the most advanced electronic communications and business transactions, high-speed international rail corridors moving people, products, and ideas at speeds approaching 300 miles per hour, and oceangoing ships of previously unimagined capacity.

Take a moment to look at the cover page below of the Belt and Road Initiative document submitted to the United Nations. It is the very definition of cooperation and hope. Take another moment to look at the 6 titles in the table of contents for the document. This is the work of people of true vision and understanding, of people who see Planet Earth as our common spaceship requiring cooperation, friendship, and unity of purpose for an ongoing successful voyage. This is the work of people who care, who want to see the prosperity of all, who want to see a bright future for all of the world’s kids and grandkids to come. You will also note there is no mention of militarism, no mention of dominance.

For all practical purposes, there is now one major elephant in the room, one major obstacle preventing humanity from pursuing the concept of the Belt and Road Initiative, the global Silk Road for the benefit of all. It is called the United States of America.

While the world cries out for unity and cooperation, we watch a presidential campaign with both candidates and parties boasting how they will have the most “lethal” military in the world. How they will take on the “dictators,” how they will provide the full spectrum dominance, the power of the World’s Greatest Empire. It is a sadness and a tragedy for all humanity.

Whether we wish to admit it or not, America is history’s latest, and hopefully final, empire in decline. Led by ideologically blind automatons and political parties living in a delusional fantasy world of a bygone century, we have become our own worst enemy. But the world is moving on.

America, with its endless militarization and wars, with its destructive financialization and counterproductive economic sanctions on half the nations of the planet, is being left behind. If our 4.5% of the global population ever learns to cooperate rather than trying to dominate, we will be welcomed into the world community. In the meantime, America will spiral down.


To learn more about the Belt and Road Initiative:

Cooperation 105 will continue