
Taxes, Debt and War

“War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes.” President James Madison (1751-1836) Today well over half the discretionary federal budget (your income tax dollars) go for war, weapons of war and the bureaucracies of war – the “armies” from which “proceed debt and taxes.” A large percentage of the national debt is the result of Pentagon spending and the cost of wars. We spend more on “defense” than the next 10 military powers in the world combined (and most of those ten are our allies). In 1953 President Dwight Eisenhower said, ...

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“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson   Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution reads:   “The Congress shall have Power . . . To coin Money and regulate the Value thereof”   This is the money creation power ...

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Homelessness has become a serious problem across every town and city in America. It taxes city councils and police departments alike. Yet homelessness across the nation is set to double in the next 5 years. This problem isn’t going away. In reality, there is little city councils or law enforcement can do to solve this problem. The roots of homelessness are national. Cities like Wausau, WI must deal with the immediate problems, but real solutions are outside of their control. Addressing concerns at the national level often seems hopelessly out of reach. But there is ...

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Poor People’s Campaign

On Saturday, March 2nd, there was a mass March & Assembly at the Capitol in Madison as part of a nationally coordinated day of action in 32 states plus Washignton, D.C. Here in Wisconsin, we gathered at the State Street steps, individuals, groups, congregations, and unions, all ready to march. After the march we gathered at the First United Methodist Church for a mass assembly, followed by lunch. Forward together, not one step back!  

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Beyond human awareness or control, history is the synergetic outcome of thousands upon thousands of seemingly unrelated decisions and developments coming together to form the evolution of societies and nations. It is nature and planet charting the course. We live through an extraordinary moment in that endless history – precarious beyond all past, yet filled with unprecedented hope. Empires have come and gone through the ages. They tend to evolve westwardly around the globe and each has a shorter lifespan than the empire that preceded it. All were to be the power to ...

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Genuflecting In The Forest

Bearing witness to the carnage we of the Homo Sapiens lineage inflict on one another sours even the most optimistic of souls.  What thoughtful person among us is not dragged inexorably down the dark whirlpool when confronted by yet another mother ravaged by the violent destruction of her dearly beloved, big eyed child?  We use the language of hatred, spraying out machine gun words like terrorist, demon, migrant rapist, left wing thugs and countless others to make righteous our own terrorism and salve our night time pangs of guilt with their soothing unguent.  Sad ...

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Ruminations On A Happy New Year

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” Tom Bodett, author and NPR personality. “Christmas is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate a religious holiday than with a month of frenzied consumerism.” Calvin, a cartoon character from Calvin and Hobbs “Happy New Year” is one of the meaningless Hallmark platitudes of the season. You hear the greeting from friends and strangers. It is in the shopping mall Christmas music tape loop. The cards you ...

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In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve. Next God came to Earth and left a giant sack of money so Adam and Eve’s kids and grandkids could conduct business. That’s how we got money. And if you believe this you have as much understanding of money as our legislators in Washington D.C. You know – the ones who spend a trillion dollars a year sending bombs and guns and warplanes and killer ships all around the world murdering women and children to spread peace and democracy and human rights and stuff, but in the next breath tell us we can’t afford Social Security and ...

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Crandon Mine Purchase Anniversary Celebration Held Last Saturday

By Tina L. Van Zile, Environmental Director   Last Saturday was the 20th Anniversary Celebration for the historic Crandon Mine Purchase. Events were held at the Mole Lake Casino and Lodge Conference Center and the Forest County Potawatomi Community Center. We started the day off with an opening drum song from the Sokaogon Singers, and their second song brought in the Sokaogon Chippewa Veterans Color Guard. Chairman Robert Van Zile, Jr. and Chairman James A. Crawford each welcomed everyone to the glorious day. Then Chairman Van Zile offered a prayer for ...

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With almost unanimous bipartisan support, the U.S. Congress now spends nearly a trillion dollars a year – repeat that – a trillion dollars a year, on the Department of Defense.  If one includes the Department of Homeland Security and the care of disabled veterans, it is actually more than a trillion. This represents the lion’s portion of the U.S. discretionary budget. What this “defense” budget means in real terms is that all of the physical resources, all of the knowledge, all of the science and engineering, all of the development, all of the jobs, that ...

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