105 results for author: Middle Wisconsin Staff

We All Need Clean Water

As you may, or may not know, a Canadian company called Green Light Metals has applied for a drilling permit in eastern Marathon County. Water is one of the most important things in our lives. Plans were recently announced to commence a sulfuric acid mineral exploration drilling project to evaluate if an open-pit gold mine will be constructed. Citizens from the region are very concerned that groundwater will be placed in jeopardy of contamination. Without access to clean drinking water, many aspects of everyday life will become burdensome and unhealthy. Every resident in Marathon County gets their drinking water from the same saturated groundw...

Registering to Vote is the First Step

During the Midterm Elections this fall, voters will be making important decisions that will affect our communities and our nation. That is why it is so important for Wisconsinites to ensure they are ready to make their voices heard in the upcoming elections. Registering to vote is the first step to participating in our electoral process. If you have moved, changed your name, or have not voted in a while, you might need to re-register. Now is the time to get registered or verify that your registration is current. Check your registration status online at myvote.wi.gov today! Need help? The League of Women voters is there to help anyone who may ...

Workers’ Memorial Day

Workers Memorial Day April 28 Mourn for the Dead and Fight for the Living On April 28, Unions of the AFL-CIO observe Workers Memorial Day to remember those who have suffered and died on the job, and to organize the fight for safer workplaces. We all come together to call for action on hazards that cause unnecessary injury, illness, and death. We stand United to strengthen workers’ rights and protections, and demand resources and actions needed for job safety enforcement. We fight for the fundamental right of every worker to a safe job until that promise is fulfilled. The Marathon County Central Labor Council is: Randy Radtke: ...

Citizens are concerned about the planned sulfuric acid exploration drilling and mining at the Wausau-Reef Deposit

Water is one of the most important things in our lives. Plans were recently announced to commence a sulfuric acid mineral exploration drilling project to evaluate if an open-pit gold mine will be constructed. Citizens from the region are very concerned that groundwater will be placed in jeopardy of contamination. Without access to clean drinking water many aspects of everyday life will become burdensome and unhealthy. The first step in the process of this sulfuric acid mineral mining development is exploration drilling. Between 100 and 125 boreholes are estimated to be required to begin evaluation. During the drilling process, toxic chemicals are ...

Rallies scheduled to show support for Fair Maps

On Friday, January 21, at noon, Fair Maps will hold “Fair Courts End Gerrymandering” rallies. These will be held at more than 15 locations throughout Wisconsin.

Savion to hold public hearing on solar project

Savion will host a public meeting to offer information on their ongoing efforts on the Saratoga Solar Project.

Joint Finance Committee announces details for virtual public hearing

Registration to take part in the virtual public hearing on the state budget opens today at 10 a.m. and runs through April 26th at 5 p.m. The virtual hearing will take place on April 28th.

Take time to shape the future of conservation in Wisconsin tonight

The annual Conservation Congress spring public hearing starts tonight at 7 p.m. Traditionally, each county holds a hearing at the same time in a designated location. Last year, the hearing went virtual, and once again, this year, people are welcome to vote and submit resolutions online beginning at 7 p.m. Visit the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website to take part.

Vote November 6

Vote Tuesday, November 6, in this very important election. You can vote early. Check with your local municipal clerk’s office. Remember to bring your voter ID. You can use your driver’s license or your passport. If you need a voter ID, you can get one free at your local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). In Wisconsin, you have the right to leave work to vote. You must tell your employer at least a day in advance. You can take up to 3 hours of unpaid time off. Your employer can set the time for you to leave work. Remember, it is the law in Wisconsin (WI State Statute 6.76). Learn more at LWVWI.ORG (League of Women Voters of ...

State Self-Insurance: Needlessly Risky and Less Competitive

by Protect Our Wisconsin Retirement Security (POWRS) On Feb. 8th, the Group Insurance Board (GIB) announced that the State would create a self-insurance plan for public employees which could "save" $60 million over two years and deliver health insurance through "regionalization". The 16-member, Joint Finance Committee (JFC) will approve or reject this plan, possibly in April. To understand what is at stake, we first need to look at the current group health plan. Wisconsin has been a leader in the delivery of lower-cost, group health insurance. For nearly 30 years, Wisconsin has used a structure that encouraged the development of community-based, ...